
We provide comprehensive end-to-end support, combining hardware, software, analytics, and support.


Stay compliant with air permits and fend off community complaints.

Real-time stationary monitoring with MAXIMA™️

Opacity notifications

Fence line dust monitoring

Community impact reporting

Historical dust maps

Safety & Industrial Hygiene

Make better health & hygiene decisions with real-time insights.

Real-time stationary and personal monitoring (MAXIMA™️ + MINIMA™)

Heat maps and alerts

Exposure analysis & reports

SEG analysis

Engineering controls effectiveness

Sampling notes via LEAPTM app

On-Demand Industrial HygieneTM

If you don't have an industrial hygienist on-site, our team can help you generate reports, exposure reduction plans, and more.

Exposure reports with recommendations for exposure reduction

Industrial hygiene program development and implementation assistance

Better decisions through real-time insights