
Real-time dust monitoring for Detroit's dust ordinance

Stay compliant with opacity and wind regulations. Accepted by BSEED.

How it works

Monitor opacity, PM 10,  and wind speed

Our wireless sensors and weather stations monitor your operations in real-time around the clock.

Get alerted when you cross opacity or wind limits

Fix excessive dusting before your neighbors file a complaint or BSEED catches wind.

Built-in record keeping

Store opacity, PM 10, and wind data in the cloud. Show inspectors you're compliant with record keeping.

Get on-demand support from air quality experts

Our seasoned team can help you navigate the dust ordinance.


Setup and maintenance included

Building your own dust monitoring solution comes with significant costs, time, and uncertainty. We handle everything for you: device setup, user training, and maintaining your devices.

Stationary monitor


Personal monitor


Data quality

Independently tested and validated air quality data

We’ve partnered with AQ-SPEC and the EPA to guarantee reliable air quality data.

If we go over the limit, APT alerts us.

We get notifications via texts or email that we can set at different parameters. I know our primary crusher is always reading a little high. Some days it's right at the trigger point where I'll get the additional notification, so I visually verify and talk to our plant operator [to address the issue].

Environmental Manager

Major producer of construction aggregates

How a leading producer of aggregates manages their fugitive dust risk with APT

Measuring opacity in real- time and collecting defensible data against complaints.

Get an estimate for real-time dust monitoring

Better decisions through real-time insights